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Book Reviews: 

Shaw, Martin (2013) Book review: Global civil society 2012: Ten years of critical reflection. LSE Review of Books (09 May 2013) Read the review online

Walter, Andrea (2013) Book Review: Global civil society 2012: Ten years of critical reflection. Voluntas 24.4 (Dec 2013): 1199-1200. Read the review online



Global Civil Society 2001

Kaldor, Mary, Henrietta L. Moore and Sabine Selchow (eds.) (2012). Global Civil Society 2012: Ten Years of Critical Reflection. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Visit the publisher-site (opens in new window)

Abstract: It is a decade since the debut of the landmark Global Civil Society yearbook. During that time, as the yearbook has attempted to debate, map and measure the shifting contours of this contested phenomenon, relationships between state and society have shifted. On both sides promises have been made and broken, expectations raised and shattered, partnerships brokered and roles reversed. Moreover, from the instigation of the International Criminal Court by a coalition of NGOs to the mass protests of civilians across North Africa, the influence of non-state actors has become impossible to discount.

In this anniversary edition, activists and academics look back on ten years of 'politics from below', and ask whether it is merely the critical gaze upon the concept that has changed - or whether there is something genuinely new in kind about the way in which civil society is now operating.



Part I: Introduction

Chapter 1: The Global Civil Society Yearbook: Lessons and Insights 2001-2011

Helmut Anheier, Mary Kaldor and Marlies Glasius

Chapter 2: ‘Global Civil Society’ and the Internet 2012: Time to Update Our Perspective

Henrietta L. Moore and Sabine Selchow

Part II: Democracy and Citizenship

Chapter 3: The Arab Awakening: The Crisis of Dictatorship and Civil Society

Bernard Dreano


Chapter 4: ‘Lost in Transformation’: The Crisis of Democracy and Civil Society

Ferenc Miszlivetz


Chapter 5: Passionate Publics in Mediated Civil Society

Bolette Blaagaard

Part III: Peace and Justice

Chapter 6: A Decade of the War on Terror and the ‘Responsibility to Protect’

Mary Kaldor


Chapter 7: Pro-Roma Global Civil Society: Acting For, With or Instead of Roma?

Angéla Kóczé and Márton Rövid

Chapter 8: Civil Society and Cluster Munitions: Building Blocks of a Global Campaign

Thomas Nash

Part IV: Economy and Society

Chapter 9: Global Civil Society and the Rise of the Civil Economy

Robin Murray


Chapter 10: A Decade of World Social Forums: Internationalisation without Institutionalisation?

Geoffrey Pleyers

Part V: Records

Chapter 11: Bordering on the Unknown: Approaches to Global Civil Society Data

Sean Deel, Sally Stares and Jill Timms

Chronology of Global Civil Society Events – A Yearbook Retrospective

Compiled by Jill Timms

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